Invisalign® Maintenance Tips

For all its effectiveness in aligning teeth, Invisalign® clear braces still need some TLC. Those pockets may as well be deposits for debris when eating or drinking. Fortunately, these braces can be removed with a gentle, careful pull, not just for an aligner change but also for maintenance. Here are some ways to keep your braces clean and clear.

Not Made for Eating or Drinking

Always remove the braces before eating or drinking (no need if only drinking water). Although the braces would barely have an effect on your eating, it would be hard to get those food particles out. Another reason to remove them is hot drinks. Coffee and tea will not only stain the clear braces but also change their form due to heat.

Anything but Denture Cleaners and Mouthwash

Invisalign® has its own cleaning system which consists of crystals that turn into a cleaning agent when water is added. If you find these crystals too expensive, your tried-and-true toothbrush and toothpaste will do. Denture cleaners and mouthwash are ill-advised, as their corrosive nature could damage the aligners’ clear appearance.

Color Code

Your dentist may provide you a pair of cases for your Invisalign® braces. Choose a color to house your current braces. Once it’s time to wear a new set of aligners, move the current braces to the other colored case and set your current case to house your new aligners. It’s best to use the case Invisalign® provides for an ideal fit.

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